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Author: poc_admin

A True Christmas Message

A True Christmas Message

I have been searching for the right message to tie together my many rambling thoughts of the year just passed; a message that would put me knee deep into the spirit of Christmas. It seems so many of my thoughts right now are ones of the sadness I see about the world with my cousin’s family losing their home to fire in Paradise, CA to the earthquakes in Alaska, the fires up and down the coast of CA and the…

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PEOPLE News–Second Edition

PEOPLE News–Second Edition

PEOPLE NEWS—SECOND EDITION—DATED 11-15-18 A division of PEOPLE of Construction Welcome to the second edition of PEOPLE News, a newsletter designed to shine a light on the achievements of the minority contracting community within the design and construction industry in the St. Louis marketplace. PEOPLE is a non-profit, non-fee, non-organization formed for the purpose of introducing minority contracting firms to the majority contracting firms in the St. Louis area. If you wish to be on the mailing list of PEOPLE,…

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Tuesday, Nov 6 is a history changing day–one way or another. Which way the nation turns after Nov 6 will depend on whether you vote or not. It is that simple. We have much to consider. From some sort of reasonable controls over the weapons that have infiltrated our society to an acknowledgement and a reasonable plan of positive action towards protecting our environment. And, wow, so many things in between. It seems we have become a nation of either…

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This is a gentle reminder to all of my PEOPLE contacts that the time to make your opinion known as to the direction of our country is coming up shortly, on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 2018. If you have thoughts about things such as “weapons” control, global warming, healthcare, morality, ethics in government and other issues of the day, take the time to visit your polling place and cast your vote. If you have never voted before in…

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I find myself fascinated with this Brett Kavanaugh nomination; the man; the process; the compelling stories; the throwback to high school and college days. Although always interested in politics and the people that rule this great country, I have never been a strong political guy. I have always been one to see both sides and vote for the person that I felt had a heart and a passion for working for and behalf of all people. That could be a…

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Driving down Christopher Road in south St. Louis County on Thursday (August 23) afternoon, I was tossing around thoughts in my head as to who to pray for; what to pray for; what thoughts to write; wondering aloud what direction my mind would take on this retreat—my sixteenth year of making this retreat at the Jesuit managed White House Retreat Center. I named many names, starting with family and friends in need of hope and prayer. I added many business…

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Cortex PEOPLE meeting-mark the date

Cortex PEOPLE meeting-mark the date

Spring quickly turned to summer and summer seems to be moving across the area at lightening speed so I say it is time we talk PEOPLE. Cortex has graciously invited us to come down to their massive and most impressive development site for our next PEOPLE meeting. I am excited about the idea and quickly accepted and hereby announce the next PEOPLE meeting to be on Tuesday, August 21 from 4:00 to 5:30 on the Cortex site in the CIC…

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University of Davis graduation–a lesson in diversity

University of Davis graduation–a lesson in diversity

To all, Donna and I recently had the honor of attending the graduation ceremony of the University of Davis Law School, Davis, California. We watched nine young, bright kids graduate with an environmental law degree on Friday evening and on Saturday evening watched 180 successful graduates cross the stage. Amanda Saunders, our youngest son’s girlfriend and most significant partner in life, was one of the nine and one of the one hundred eighty. The event was a true lesson and…

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Fishing for crappie; fishing for projects

Fishing for crappie; fishing for projects

Fishing for Crappie; fishing for projects I recently went on a three-day fishing trip with my brothers on a somewhat calm and peaceful Kincaid Lake right outside of Murphysboro, Illinois. I could not help but notice the analogy of fishing for crappie to fishing for construction projects. Perhaps my thinking and lack of focus to the task at hand interfered with my ability to catch my share of keepable crappie fish. Somewhere between the eating and drinking and card playing,…

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Upcoming PEOPLE events and general news

Upcoming PEOPLE events and general news

I have been silent for a while so thought I would update everyone on a few upcoming events and some thoughts swirling around in my head. Not all of them, just the ones relating to diversity and inclusion in our beloved design and construction industry. First, the second in a series of three or more classes to be held relating to discussion of the various chapters in my GUIDE TO BETTER BUSINESS book will be held at Hillsdale Fabricators on…

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