A True Christmas Message

A True Christmas Message

I have been searching for the right message to tie together my many rambling thoughts of the year just passed; a message that would put me knee deep into the spirit of Christmas. It seems so many of my thoughts right now are ones of the sadness I see about the world with my cousin’s family losing their home to fire in Paradise, CA to the earthquakes in Alaska, the fires up and down the coast of CA and the many other climate disasters that seem to be running somewhat rampant lately.

Really, what sort of message of Christmas joy do all those thoughts convey?

This morning I read a piece in the Post written by Steve Givens– an Incarnate Word Parish friend of ours–and I loved the way he twisted the concept of stealing, comparing the hoarding of our goods and possessions and the lack of giving to pure out right theft from those less fortunate. Wow, now there was some trickery of the mind and the written word. Steve is a gifted writer and a man with a great heart and so I plowed through his column keeping my mind and heart open. To be fair, Steve is quoting and paraphrasing from a recent address of Pope Francis, but he does a great job of teaming up with the Pope to remind us all of the joy of sharing our good fortunes to the lesser amongst us.

“The tighter we hold on to our possessions, it seems, the further we fall from the presence of God. When we clench our fists around our checkbooks or spend only on those able to spend on us in return, we fail to remember that everything we have is a gift. No matter how hard we work for our money and possessions, ultimately we are called to provide for others and direct our gratitude to the giver of all good things.”

I read those words and I knew I had my message of Christmas. “It’s the season of giving, of asking, hoping and receiving”, Steve says in the opening lines of his column. Now is the time; if not now, when? Nothing makes one feel better about themselves; about life in general; and about the hope that the future brings than giving to others less fortunate. If you question me, try it sometime.

We seem to be drifting away from the idea of sharing our life’s goodness with others. I wonder if the day will ever come where we truly believe the equality of all people; where we reach down and help our brothers who have fallen–for whatever reason; where we look beyond the rhetoric of the day and the civil discourse we seem to want to hurl about at each other; where we not race to beat the yellow light, choosing instead to slow our pace and admire the wonders of life taking place around us.

Pope Francis ended his address and Steve ended his article by saying…” If I know how to live, I am open, I am rich. In fact, if I am unable to give something it is because that thing owns me. I am a slave; the thing has power over me. What makes us rich are not goods but love.”

Now, this is a message of Christmas, I thought. At least to me; however, I fully realize that others have a different point of view and I respect that. Maybe the true message of Christmas, a more inclusive message, is the thought that those that oppose this concept of comparing the lack of “giving” to “stealing”–and the violation of one of God’s commandments–and those that feel this concept rings true and deep could sit down at a table and discuss their opposing points of view in a respectful manner. Maybe not reach an agreement but discuss in an amicable manner.

Yes, now there is a true Christmas message–thanks, Steve.

We all give in different ways; we judge people in different ways using different thoughts; our concept of sharing covers a wide range of value–so whatever is in your heart at this time of the year, let it rise–do something for others. It does not have to involve money, you know.

The Pope, Steve or I cannot tell you what that “something” is, but I do believe there is a message here for all us–even those with opposing points of view.

As for me, I feel RICH and I feel BLESSED every time I hold a PEOPLE meeting or a minority contractor I am working with tells me they just landed a meaningful project.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my PEOPLE followers and all friends and family.

PEOPLE of Construction

Ron Unterreiner

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