Cortex PEOPLE meeting-mark the date

Cortex PEOPLE meeting-mark the date

Spring quickly turned to summer and summer seems to be moving across the area at lightening speed so I say it is time we talk PEOPLE.

Cortex has graciously invited us to come down to their massive and most impressive development site for our next PEOPLE meeting. I am excited about the idea and quickly accepted and hereby announce the next PEOPLE meeting to be on Tuesday, August 21 from 4:00 to 5:30 on the Cortex site in the CIC 4240 Duncan building We will meet in the HAVANNA room on the second floor and there will be signs and people in the lobby to guide you. This may sound a bit intimidating but the site–and the building–is easy to find and quite accessible for parking, etc. I will give you specific directions in future notices—for now, just mark you calendar with a big ol PEOPLE smiley face for August 21.

SM Wilson quickly stepped to the plate for appetizers and drinks so we will meet, mix and mingle in style–more on that to come later as well. Cortex is a class site; we want to have a class meeting and so we will ice up the typically warm bottled water and mix in a few cold adult beverages as well.

This is an excellent time to be introduced to the Cortex site and get a feel for the great work they are doing on this site for our city, for our industry and for the future of St. Louis. You will see massive construction in place (IKEA Shriners, BJC Commons), in progress (Crescent building, others) and projects preparing to start such as The Foundry project by the Lawrence Group with SM Wilson as the selected builder. We plan to have a quick and informal program to discuss the upcoming work to take place on this site including an update by SM Wilson on the exciting Foundry project. Actually, just to understand what is going on in this 4240 building is reason enough to attend this meeting.

And so keep on enjoying the summer days, grab a week or two at the beach or somewhere away from work and return in time to attend the next PEOPLE meeting on Tuesday, August 21 at the CIC 4240 Duncan building, Cortex site. For those not familiar with Cortex, the main Cortex building is located on Forest Park Boulevard and the 4240 Duncan building is directly behind the main Cortex office building. Duncan is the street right behind the main parking lot—you will find it.

This is a meeting you will not want to mix. It will be heavily attended by the major GC’s and CM’s in town and we hope to have a large contingency of owners, architects, majority subs and other representatives of our industry. You will want to be seen and heard.

See you then. More details to follow as they are developed. I hope everyone is having a great summer and are busy and productive in their work and play.


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