Happy Freedom Day

Happy Freedom Day

Tomorrow, I will wake up in a king size bread with clean sheets, fluffy pillows and a pocket full of fresh dreams.  The city of Kirkwood where I live is not at war or in need of financial assistance of any kind; my neighbors have food and drink on their table; playsets for the kids; and my friends and my family are free to approach the day as we see fit.

Freedom.  A privilege we so often take for granted.  Although we often disagree and/or question the sanity of our leaders, we hold tight to our values and our freedom.  Freedom to think for ourselves and the freedom to speak and to move about in the direction we choose.  Comfort in knowing that the bad guys are held accountable.  God bless the United States of America.

Two hundred and forty-eight years ago a group of caring people with powerful foresight put forth a guiding document that defined and protected the perimeters of this freedom.  Amazingly, we have only made twenty-seven official amendments to this document even though the world has been turned upside down, shaken vigorously and tested violently time and time again since the year 1776.  How our forefathers could have thought out and written a set of rules that would outlast time is one of the many wonders of life.  The last ratified amendment to the US Constitution was May 7, 1992, some thirty-two years ago.

Through the many challenges we have faced in our free country, we have somehow managed to hold on to this bright, shining, guiding document and twist it back and forth, frontwards and backwards and make it work.  We often disagree amongst us as to the meaning of these words written centuries before and certainly there are multiple thoughts out there as to whether additional changes should be made above the twenty-seven ratified amendments, but the bottom line is that our free nation is guided and lives by rules laid out in 1776 as changed those twenty-seven times over the years.

This is freedom.  Hard fought for freedom.  Precious freedom.

I have no set plans for this July 4th day before me other than to spend some time pondering this freedom I cherish, for myself and my family.  I am fearful that my grandkids and their grandkids will not be cloaked with the same freedom that I enjoy.  Maybe that is not the case, and my fears are unwarranted but that is how I feel in this 248th year of celebrating our Independence as a nation.

Our democracy that protects our freedom is being challenged.  This has happened before, and I suppose it will happen again, but this time seems different.  The rules seem to be changing, officially ratified or not.  We will put democracy and freedom to vote in November and it will be our free choice to select the path we feel best.

Will we be governed by someone who has shown little regard for the bright, shiny guiding document we hold so dear or will be governed by someone who has proven over multiple years of leadership his respect for the laws of the land and the rights of its people?  There are many subsets to this question, and we can all find reason to doubt our answer, but I think this one point alone, the right to hang on to this precious freedom we have enjoyed for as long as this country has endured as a nation, is the single most important question each of us have to ask of ourselves as we approach the November election.

I am not a political guy, I come from a family full of good people of both political parties.  I really do not understand the term liberal and certainly have zero understanding of the term conservative, as used today.  I don’t consider myself right or left or quite frankly, even right down the middle.  I am open-minded when it comes to leadership as I have been a decision maker at the top and have great respect for clearly knowing all the details before making important life-changing decisions.

I do cherish my freedom though and I have great respect for the rule of law and justice being applied equally to all people.  My nature is to lend a helping hand for those that struggle with the challenges of life, but I also understand those that may think differently.  I want to know my neighbor and the people I interact with daily, and I value the freedom of choice to continue or discontinue those interactions.  I do not understand war and although I respect the concept of capitalism, I detest greed.  Yea, riches are important, but sharing is much more fun for me…and the people I share with.

Somewhere before the sun sets and the day ends, I hope to stand in front of the flag of our country and sing the words of our National Anthem, even if silently.  When I do, I will be thinking of this privilege of freedom, and I will be pondering just how I may do my part to see that my great grandkids live under this same freedom I have enjoyed.

If nothing else, in November I will make my selection for our next leader—that is the very least I can do for my country and for my fellow man.  I hope everyone reading this does the same.

I will choose freedom.

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