With the pandemic wanting to take another run at the world, we will continue laying low on in-person meetings. I feel this best for the safety of all.

Regardless of how we meet, the need to connect and make your firm visible to majority firms and the buyers of construction services is still very much present so get out and about as best you can and attend the many networking events that continue to take place in a virtual setting. Outreach meeting by GC’s continue as well as many of the annual diversity events by the various organizations set up to support diverse firms.

Our next scheduled PEOPLE meeting is Tuesday, October 5, from 4:00 to 5:30PM and we will have some active discussions on the challenges facing minority firms. I hope you take the time to join in these discussions. I am workiing on a set agenda but for the most part, I want to hear from you and how the industry needs to change to support your quest for success. This will be a serious but fun meeting.

We will include an update on the upcoming diversity program to be located within the newly developed Delmar Divine building. Our current plans are to open in early to mid-January of next year and you will be hearing more about this helpful program in the months ahead.

See you then. If any current needs specific to your firm that you may want to discuss with me, contact me any time at

Also, any firm seeking financial assistance, jump on the web site and complete a pre-application and submit to RISE and this will start the process for a project loan or line of credit. I am working with RISE to interview the firms that apply so this is a very user friendly process by people with a desire to help. Have no fears of applying.

Look forward to further discussions on October 5, 4:00 to 5:30PM.


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