Tuesday, Nov 6 is a history changing day–one way or another. Which way the nation turns after Nov 6 will depend on whether you vote or not. It is that simple.
We have much to consider. From some sort of reasonable controls over the weapons that have infiltrated our society to an acknowledgement and a reasonable plan of positive action towards protecting our environment. And, wow, so many things in between.
It seems we have become a nation of either or. We no longer work together; one party works toward their goals while the other party works to destroy those goals. This is the mode of operation regardless of the party doing the work and the party doing the destroying. So your job on Nov 6 is to walk in your voting booth and vote for the party of your choice; the goals of your choice; the path of leadership you want this country to walk down.
As for me, I will vote for civility; for a ceasefire in the war of words on each other; for healing of all among us, including those with mental and physical challenges. We are all created equal but that does not mean we are all alike. Each of us think, walk, act and look different from each other. My vote will be that we all see through those differences and hold our hand out to each other and explore ways to either mend or accept those differences.
It seems we are changing the tone and the rules of civility, honesty, ethics and morality in this country. I suppose some think this change is good and maybe some sort of shake up was needed. But my individual vote will be to stop shaking and see if we can pull the good parts of the past and mingle them in with changes that others feel necessary.
I see no reason that any man, woman or child over voting age should sit this election out. It is simply too important a time; too demanding of us to state our opinion in writing so our opinion can be counted, one by one and then added up to a total and let the victors define our future. I don’t think anything angers or saddens me more than those working so hard to keep people from the polling stations and away from their voting booth. Both sides should be looking for every conceivable way to get their constituents to their voting places.
So, do not be deterred—VOTE! It is your right; it is your duty; it is your responsibility as a citizen. We all have opinions, this coming Tuesday, November 6th is the time to make your opinion known.
The Post and the local papers will have sample ballots and info as to all the many issues that will require your vote. Read up on these issues before you walk into that booth as many of them are quite confusing but each of them are so very important. It is really not that hard to do. I am sure there are multiple ways to read about these issues on line as well. The ads that run non-stop by the individual candidates and the unknown organizations that support them are misleading at best. Do your own research and vote your mind and your heart.
This election is simply too important for the health of our nation to sit out.
I wish I could come around and drive each one of you to the polls; especially those in need of transportation. As much as I would like to do so, logistics simply do not allow. But reach out to friends, neighbors, family, organizations offering help—find a ride—get to he polls—express your opinion—VOTE!
And yes, your vote does count.