Thanksgiving message-2021

Thanksgiving message-2021

“The holiday season awakens us all–in so many ways.  What a beautiful time of year.  We live in a time of way too much anger, frustration and uncertainty while we as a people crave love and peace, calmness and serenity and a clear and hopeful path for a better tomorrow.  Why is that?  My wish for all this peace-giving time of year is that we all search for that dividing line that defines the middle and we all walk together on whichever side of the line that makes us most comfortable, holding hands and moving towards that clear and hopeful path and straight into a healthy and prosperous and happy new year.”  RJU

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  There are no presents to buy, no gifts to wrap, no candy to give out, no costumes to wear—just family and friends gathering together to give thanks, share some good food and drink together, and recounting memories, good and bad.  It is also sort of a prelude to slower times to come as we enter the Christmas season and begin our month-long infatuation with Bing Crosby and the great Christmas music of the past and present, while we await the joys of Christmas day.

But, as always seems to be the case, there are many in our land and around the world less fortunate than us who struggle with the holiday season and all that the season offers.  So, as we enjoy our family and friends in the warm crackling fire-place comfort of our homes, let us not forget our brothers and sisters who daily search for the very basics of life and a touch of the equity and justice so many of us enjoy…and maybe just a glimpse of the entrance to that clear and hopeful path for a better tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I wish the very best to all my PEOPLE supporters and friends.  If you see an opportunity this holiday season to reach back and help a friend or lift the hopes of a family in need, go for it.  I know you will.

I sense some good times coming for all in the year twenty twenty-two.  I am anxious to start the year with an in-person meeting at THE EDGE and exploring some fresh ideas as to how we can beat this log jam of diversity, equity and inclusion in our industry.


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